Inclusion London Statement in response to Government announcement to increase the Access to Work cap


Inclusion London Statement in response to Government announcement to increase the Access to Work cap – for immediate release

Ellen Clifford, Campaigns and Policy Manager for Inclusion London said: “While we welcome the news that the Access to Work cap is to be increased, we remain opposed to the imposition of any form of cap. Capping the amount of support that an individual can receive through Access to Work discriminates against those with the highest support needs, effectively penalising those with certain impairments for being Deaf or disabled. Though the cap is now higher, it is still set at an arbitrary, fixed limit whereas costs for highly specialised equipment and good quality professional interpreters tailored to an individual’s needs can exceed this amount or vary from year to year. There is also no financial reason for a cap, given that investment in Access to Work makes a return on investment to the Treasury through taxes, without even taking into account the added cost benefits of savings to the NHS or social care budgets.

“The cap is also just one issue within a whole range of problems that Deaf and Disabled people are experiencing with Access to Work. These include administrative and financial errors on a scale that is making employment unviable for many, alongside cuts and restrictions to individual support packages that are placing intolerable strain on Deaf and Disabled people doing their best to stay in work. An urgent review of the scheme in consultation with Deaf and Disabled people is well over due.”