Join us at the high court on 26 June to show support and solidarity to the claimant taking the legal case against the government’s decision to cap Access to Work. Although the cap largely affects Deaf BSL users, Disabled people from all impairment groups have suffered through changes to the Access to Work disability employment support scheme that have made it harder and harder to get into and stay in work. The government announcement earlier this year raising the cap does not address the issue that any form of cap discriminates against Deaf and Disabled people with high support needs and while the measures announced promise to improve certain issues with the scheme, many other issues remain a problem.
We are calling on all those affected by and worried about the cap and about Access to Work in general to join us at the high court for a vigil outside from 9.30 – 10am and then in the court room for the hearing itself. There will be BSL interpretation for the proceedings.
For more information on the legal challenge: