The European Disability Forum needs your help with Disability Rights pledge to candidates for the European Parliament]


We would like to ask for your help with the European Elections. They are approaching and EDF needs your help to assure that the next EU Parliament includes a strong group of MEPs that can help us advance our rights. For this we need your help on 3 things:


  • Send the Disability Rights pledge to candidates for the EU Parliament.. The pledge is a written commitment that candidates will support disability rights and join the Disability Intergroup in the Parliament.  Unfortunately no MEP from Ireland signed yet We would need your help in contacting candidates of your country. You can find in attachment the pledge, a model letter and an excel list with the email addresses of some of the candidates for your country (not exhaustive). The list was a joint effort with other civil society organisations – please don’t share it outside your members.  These is the list of candidates who already signed.


  • Tell us about candidates with disabilities. We are building an internal list of candidates with disabilities for the EU Parliament. If you know some, please let us know.
  • Promote the vote of persons with disabilities. To do so we have a short article on 10 reasons to vote (in attach), and a full report on the rights of persons with disabilities in the EU. Feel free to translate and share as you see fit.

Could you let us know if you can help us with these requests and any additional actions for the EP elections? After the 10th of May, we may contact missing candidates to ensure a broad support across the EU.

Documents attached:

Documents attached:

Persons with disabilities: 10 reasons to vote in the European elections

Model letter to MEPs

European elections. List of UK candidates.