Access to Work cuts


You may have seen the recent article in the Independent newspaper about Access to Work cuts (read the article here), as you know we have been campaigning on this issue for well over a year and whilst we have had some successes (eg. getting Access to Work investigated by the Work & Pensions Select Committee), more pressure is needed.

The caps being introduced will unfairly disadvantage deaf and disabled people who happen to have high support needs and places jobs at risk.

We have found out that Access To Work have recently started contacting people who have complained to the Parliamentary Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) and offered to settle their complaint in order to stop the investigation. We believe that this shows the DWP do not want their current practices to be exposed.

Whilst there is more awareness around this issue, please do share our petition again. The more signatories, the more pressure we can apply. People who are just trying to go to work are having more and more barriers placed in front of them.

Dont forget: Access To Work isn’t a benefit – It brings money into the treasury. 

Thank you for your continued support.

Stop Changes To Access To Work