ROFA Update April 2016

    This is the ROFA LOGO
    This is the ROFA LOGO

    7 April 2016

    Dear Colleagues

    We are really pleased to be able to invite you to become members of the Reclaiming Our Futures Alliance (ROFA).  The organising group would like to apologise for the delay in communicating with you but it has taken us 6 months to open the bank account due to endless bureaucracy – it would be easier to make a successful PIP claim!  We did send out a mailing in the autumn but we believe there was a glitch in the database so some of you may not have received this.

    The decision made at our founding conference in Sheffield last July to form a membership network to be the representative voice of DPOs and disabled people in England is a real step forward.  With the constant assault by this Government on our rights it is more important than ever that we have a strong and unified voice for DPOs.  We look forward to continued co-operation with our sister organisations in Scotland, Wales and N. Ireland.

    The ROFA Terms of Reference and membership details and rates can be found at:

    Details of how to become a ROFA member are on our website in the Join ROFA sections at:

    Save this date!

    Please keep Thursday 14 July free as this is the date for this year’s ROFA conference, to be held again in Sheffield, at the Town Hall.  This event will be a chance for us to get together review our campaigns over the last year and plan how we can continue to defend our hard won rights and reclaim our futures in 2016/17.  The conference will include breakout sessions on independent living, equality and inclusion, crisis in mental health, direct action and using the law to protect our services and rights.

    We will also be electing the ROFA Steering group at the conference.  Further details and how to book will be emailed to you and will be on the website shortly.

    We look forward to receiving your membership applications and seeing you in Sheffield.  If you can’t make it to Sheffield we will be streaming the conference online again and more details of how to participate will be available nearer the time.

    Best regards

    ROFA steering group